

martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014


In Japan, the music is represented by:
  1.       Sparse rhythm.
  2.       Regular chords are also absent.
  3.       Silence is an important part of the songs.
  4.       Flows in an attempt to mirror the behavior of nature.
  5.       It is regular for songs to start off at an extremely slow pace and to pick up speed as they progress.
  6.       Three main types, instrumental, court music, and theatrical.

The oldest traditional music is GAGAKU

Gagaku is a form of court music. Gagaku includes dances, songs, and a blend of other
genres of Asian music. There are two styles of Gagaku. These are Kigaku, which is a form
of instrumental music, and Seigakuwhich is A form of vocal music.

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